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Cornell University

Ukrainian at Cornell

started in December 2022

Course Description 3305

Reading and Writing for Heritage Speakers of Ukrainian (Українська мова для спадкоємців: розвиток писемності та грамотності)

This course is designed for students with Ukrainian heritage who speak more or less standard Ukrainian but have only beginner’s understanding of grammar and have not learned to read or write well (or have not learned written Ukrainian at all). The focus will be on developing reading, writing, and grammar skills, while enhancing existing spoken fluency and cultural understanding. Through interactive activities and engaging materials, students will gain confidence in using Ukrainian for diverse purposes, both personal and academic.Two classes a week teach writing and grammar and related reading. These classes are required, and the students who take them receive 2 credit hours. The third (optional) class teaches reading and discussion, focusing on writing and contemporary styles. The course may be taught slightly faster or slower in a given year, depending on the needs and interests of the students.

When taken for 3 credits, this course satisfies the foreign language requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences and adds 3 credits towards fulfilling the liberal arts requirement in the School of Engineering.

Study materials for UKRAN 3305 include:

  • Supplementary readings and audio/visual materials
  • Online resources and language learning apps
  • Beginner’s Ukrainian With Interactive Online Workbook: Integrated With the Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary, the Third Integrated edition

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop literacy skills: Learn to read and write Ukrainian (including both print and cursive) fluently using the Cyrillic alphabet.
  • Improve grammar and syntax: Acquire a solid understanding of grammatical rules and apply them confidently in writing and speaking.
  • Expand vocabulary: Build a broader range of vocabulary relevant to various topics and academic contexts.
  • Enhance communication skills: Express themselves effectively in writing and orally on different subjects.
  • Deepen cultural understanding: Explore Ukrainian culture and history through language learning.

Course Format:

  • The course will be conducted in Ukrainian as much as possible, with English used for clarification when necessary.
  • Interactive activities will include group discussions, presentations, role-playing, writing exercises, practice with AI and cultural exploration tasks.
  • Students will be encouraged to participate actively and contribute their own experiences and cultural perspectives.


  • Participation in class activities and discussions (40%)
  • Weekly assignments (30%)
  • Dictations and final exam (30%)

Grading Scale:

  • A: 90-100%
  • B: 80-89%
  • C: 70-79%
  • D: 60-69%
  • F: Below 60%

Final Exam:

The final exam in UKRAN 3305 is designed to comprehensively assess students’ proficiency in Ukrainian, covering reading, writing, and cultural understanding.

Reading and Writing: Students will demonstrate their literacy skills through reading comprehension tasks and writing exercises. This includes interpreting passages written in print Cyrillic and writing the answers in cursive that reflect a deep understanding of Ukrainian cultural or contemporary issues.
Grammar and Syntax: This section tests students on their mastery of Ukrainian grammar and syntax through practical application exercises. Tasks include grammar correction and sentence formation to ensure a solid grasp of linguistic structures.
Vocabulary: Assessment of vocabulary breadth across various topics will be done through fill-in-the-blank and matching exercises, ensuring students can apply their vocabulary knowledge in both academic and everyday contexts.
Cultural Understanding: The exam includes a cultural analysis and an interactive discussion component, where students analyze aspects of Ukrainian culture and participate in discussions that deepen the cultural insights.


Regular attendance and active participation are essential for success in this course. More than 3 excused absences may affect your final grade.