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Cornell University

Ukrainian at Cornell

started in December 2022

Assignments 2200

Week 1-2: Introduction to Contemporary Ukraine. 

Materials to study:

  1. A Brief History of Ukraine
  2. The religious Roots of the War in Ukraine
  3. Ukrainian Lessons Podcasts 1-01
  4. Letters and Sounds

Topics for discussion:

  • Introduction to the course and syllabus
  • Overview of Ukraine’s geography, history, and culture
  • Historical background: From Kievan Rus’ to the Soviet era
  • Welcome to the Cyrillic alphabet! Strangers, the real and the false friends
  • Basic greetings and their contextual variations

Week 3: From Perestroika to Independence

Materials to study:

  1. How Chernobyl Brought the USSR to its Knees|1986|
  2. Ukraine. The birth of a Nation. Independence
  3. Ukrainian Lessons Podcasts 1-02
  4. The Impact of the Soviet Legacy on Reforms in Ukraine 

Topics for discussion:

  • The Chernobyl disaster and its lasting impact
  • The late Soviet era: Perestroika and Glasnost in Ukraine
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union
  • Ukraine’s declaration of independence and early challenges
  • Letters and sounds. Reading the first words.

Week 4: Building a New Nation

Materials to study:

  1. The Economy of Ukraine: Before and After (from 2.50) 
  2. Ukraine after the Fall of the Soviet Union
  3. How Ukraine Fell into a Trap of Endless Reforms
  4. Ukrainian Lessons Podcasts 1-03

Topics for discussion:

  • The rise of national self-determination and the Kuchma era
  • Economic challenges and transition to a market economy
  • Corruption and political instability
  • The Orange Revolution and its aftermath
  • Role of culture in national identity
  • Cultural significance of the Ukrainian language

Week 5: February Break

Week 6: Maidan, Euromaidan and the Consequences

Materials to study:

  1. War in Ukraine, Part I (Annexation)
  2. History of the Ukrainian Euromaidan Revolution
  3. The long pursuit of justice for victims of MH17
  4. On the Frontlines Of Ukraine’s Proxy War
  5. Talking about where you live

Topics for discussion:

  • The origins and escalation of the conflict in Ukraine
  • The Euromaidan protests and the fall of Yanukovych
  • Economic Consequences for Ukraine and the Region
  • Humanitarian crisis and human rights violations
  • The impact of the protests on Ukrainian society and politics

Week 7: The Role of Media and Information in Contemporary Ukraine

Materials to study:

  1. Dying for Truth: Why Journalism is a Dangerous Profession in Ukraine
  2. Who Does Crimea Really Belong To?
  3. Freedom of Speech as Homefront: Journalists at War
  4. Fighting Soviet Myths: The Ukrainian Experience
  5. Ukrainian Exclamations

Topics for discussion:

  • The cultural and historical legacy of Crimea
  • Freedom of speech and press freedom
  • Disinformation and propaganda
  • The impact of social media on political discourse, activism, and reform movements
  • Compare exclamations in Ukrainian to those in their native language or other languages you know. Share the interesting cultural insights for a deeper understanding of both languages.

Week 8: Economy and Society

Materials to study:

  1. The road to recovery: Ukraine’s Economic Challenges and Opportunities
  2. How Economic Initiatives Are Helping to Build Peace in Ukraine
  3. Ukraine Critical Minerals Can Bring Business Opportunities and Piece
  4. Numbers in Ukrainian

Topics for discussion:

  • Economic transition and challenges
  • Social reforms and the fight against poverty
  • Ukraine’s Role in the Global Critical Mineral Supply Chain
  • Economic Opportunities and Investment Potential for Ukraine
  • Demographic trends and migration

Week 9: Culture and Identity

Materials to study:

  1. “It’s Time to Stop Being Naive – Putin Will Not Give Up While He’s Alive”
  2. The Role of Religion in Russia’s War
  3. Ukraine’s Music, Cinema and Literature Have Been Transformed

Topics for discussion:

  • Ukrainian education, language and literature
  • Religion and the role of the Orthodox Church
  • Music, art, and cinema
  • National identity and cultural diversity

Week 10: Foreign Relations and Security

Materials to study:

  1. Ex-Ukraine Ambassador Offers Gloomy View, Silver of Hope
  2. Ukraine starts EU membership talks in midst of war 
  3. NATO, Relations with Ukraine
  4. Meeting of Western Leaders on Ukraine is Postponed

Topics for discussion:

  • Relations with the West
  • Guest speaker Bill Taylor on the Russia-Ukraine war
  • NATO membership and security concerns
  • Ukraine’s role in the international community

Week 11: Understanding the Roots of the Current Conflict: A Historical and Geopolitical Perspective

Materials to study:

  1. 10 Popular Misconceptions about Ukrainian History
  2. How Ukraine Became Part of USSR
  3. Stepan Bandera
  4. Svoboda and the History of Ukrainian Nationalist
  5. Talking about Family ULP 1-06

Topics for discussion:

  • Based on Ambassador Taylor’s insights, what role should the international community, particularly organizations like NATO and the EU, play in this conflict going forward?
  • The historical ties between Russia and Ukraine, including the formation of Kyivan Rus’ and the incorporation of Ukraine into the Soviet Union.
  • The rise of Ukrainian nationalism: “How have historical events, like Cossack movement, Ukrainian People’s Republic (1917 – 1921), Soviet Era and Holodomor shaped the development of Ukrainian nationalism?”, “In what ways did the Orange Revolution and Euromaidan influence the transformation of Ukrainian nationalism?”, “How did the full-scale invasion contribute to the rise or evolution of Ukrainian nationalism?”

Week 12: War, Crisis, and Reform (2014-2019)

Materials to study:

  1. History of Donbass Region
  2. A Brief History of Corruption in Ukraine
  3. Family and Possessive Pronouns
  4. Ukraine’s Poroshenko

Topics for discussion:

  • The internal conflict in eastern Ukraine and its consequences
  • Political and economic reforms under Poroshenko
  • Social and cultural dynamics in wartime Ukraine

Week 13: Zelensky’s Presidency and Beyond (2019-Present)

Materials to study:

  1. Serving the People: Will Ukraine’s Political Culture Change?
  2. Signed by Volodymyr Zelenkyy: Which Reforms Did the President Support
  3. Jobs and Professions in Ukrainian

Topics for discussion:

  • The election of Volodymyr Zelensky and his reform agenda
  • Continued challenges: corruption, oligarchs, and war
  • Ukraine and the West: NATO aspirations and EU integration
  • Cultural Policies amid Conflict

Week 14: Beyond Borders: The Ukrainian Crisis from Economic Impact to Artistic Resistance

Materials to study:

  1. Writing the War in Ukraine
  2. Ukrainian Art as Protest and Resilience 
  3. Ukrainian Refugee Crisis
  4. Ukraine: What’s the Global Economic Impact of Russia’s Invasion? 
  5. About me in Ukrainian

Topics for discussion:

  • The displacement of millions of Ukrainians and the refugee crisis in Europe.
  • The destruction of infrastructure and the long-term economic impact of the war.
  • Ukrainian art during the war.
  • The potential for the conflict to escalate and draw in other countries.

Week 15: The Road Ahead for Ukraine

Materials to study:

  1. Four Questions About Reconstruction in Ukraine
  2. Income, Social Protection and Coping Strategies in Ukraine

Topics for discussion:

  • Prospects for peace in Ukraine
  • Ukraine’s Role in Global Alliances: NATO, the European Union, and balancing relations with neighboring powers.
  • Economic Independence and Innovation: Ukraine’s potential as a global hub for technology, agriculture, and renewable energy.
  • Cultural Diplomacy: Leveraging Ukrainian culture, language, and history to strengthen its identity on the global stage.

Week 16: The Final Projects

Research Paper: Write a concise research paper (1,000-1,500 words) on a topic relevant to the course content. Possible topics include:

  • The influence of historical events on modern Ukrainian national identity.
  • Cultural and political responses to the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Comparing the cultural impacts of the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan Revolution.
  • The significance of contemporary Ukrainian art and literature post-Euromaidan.
  • Effects of the ongoing conflict with Russia on Ukrainian society.
  • Prospects for peace – PROJECT Ukraine

Oral Presentation: Alongside the paper, prepare a brief (5-7 minute) presentation to summarize their research findings to the class. This should include:

  • Brief overview of the topic.
  • Discussion of the main conclusions or insights.
  • Recommended: appropriate visual aids to support key points (e.g., slides, charts)

Language Use: Integrate Ukrainian language by using specific terms and phrases related to the topic in both the paper and the presentation, demonstrating effective use of the course’s language component: Вітаю (Hello), Мене звати… (My name is…), Тема мого дослідження… (The topic of my research is….), Дякую за увагу! (Thank you for your attention!)