Course Description 1121/1122
Study materials for UKRAN 1121/1122 include:
Beginner’s Ukrainian With Interactive Online Workbook: Integrated With the Ukrainian-english Collocation Dictionary, the Third Integrated edition. Can be ordered at:
Online references:
Interactive online workbook:
Online Web Audio Lab:
Beginning Ukrainian Through Songs
These 4(3)-credit courses will help you develop elementary proficiency in speaking, reading, listening and writing in Ukrainian, and discover Ukrainian culture, history, geography, and way of life. The curriculum incorporates folk songs into the course syllabus, to help improve your understanding of phonetic and grammatical concepts. Furthermore, you will be naturally introduced to cultural customs and rituals through songs.
By the end of the course, if you have attended classes regularly, completed the homework and all assignments, and successfully passed the exam, you will:
- Speak Ukrainian with good pronunciation and grammar, so native speakers can understand you;
- Know key vocabulary, related to everyday life: days of the week, seasons and months, numbers and colors, weather, family and food, transportation, common objects, and more;
- Speak and write about yourself, family, daily life, your favorite/least favorite things to do;
- Understand and participate in simple conversations about everyday topics, like ordering food, shopping, study, school, and managing basic needs.
Note about the 3-credit section:
If you are enrolled in the 3-credit section, you do not have to attend the first class each week. Except for the first week, these sessions are review classes where no new material is discussed. The first class of the semester is different: new material is introduced. If your schedule allows, try to attend this unique class. At the very least, complete any homework that may be assigned for this class.
The exact schedule for the 3-credit section is TBA and will be decided together after the organizational meeting.
Course expectations:
All homework will be shown in the Syllabus. For each class, you should spend about 60-90 minutes preparing at home. Attendance and participation are critical: missing more than 3 classes without a good reason could affect your final grade. If you miss a class, you need to complete the assignment, including reading, grammar, and speaking practice. Ask your instructor for help, when needed. Be on time for class and inform your instructor ahead of time if you can’t make it. Homework is due to the next class, unless told otherwise.
Starting from week 5, you will be working with Ukrainian songs, watching videos and performing special audio tasks once a week.
You will receive instructions for each assignment throughout the semester.
Final exams:
They will cover everything you learn throughout the course. More information to follow.
Approximately 75% of your grade is based on your performance during the semester: active participation in class, linguistic accuracy in speaking and writing, quality of homework assignment (written and online), midterm exam, and timely completion of self-assessments, quizzes and sound recordings. 25% of the grade will come from the final exam.